Wednesday, August 29, 2007

American Born Chinese?

I was just wondering how everyone (who has finished the book already) felt about the ending, and the way the three stories were connected? I liked the fact that Yang did try to connect them, and create that sense of interconnectivity to add depth to the story, and give all three storylines relevance, but I'm still on the fence as to how I feel about execution. It sort of feels like it was a little rushed to me - like there should have maybe been at least one more chapter to each storyline. Any thoughts?


Cee-Cee said...

I completely agree that it felt a little rushed, however I did take in to account that I found this particular novel in the children's section of Politics and Prose and were I to market it to a younger demographic it makes more sense to push the ending. The little ones tend to get a little antsy with drawn out conclusions. And although I thought the ending was rushed I loved the interconnections between all three, it really drove the point about "being yourself" and fighting perpetuating stereotypes home.

Benjamin said...

It seemed to feel rushed at the end, but I also enjoyed the interconnection of the three stories (especially the folklore aspect of the monkey king). I think Yang could have added one more chapter to that piece. The other two seemed to play out to their natural ends.